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C Puzzles for Interview Preparation
First Section
1.1 Introduction (2:26)
2.1 Basics (15:38)
2.2 Variable Types (19:00)
3.1 Arrays (9:51)
3.2 Character Arrays (7:43)
4.1 Expressions (13:58)
4.2 Precedence And Associativity (11:02)
4.3 Advanced Expressions (23:18)
5.1 Functions (12:01)
5.2 More About Functions (11:47)
6.1 If Condition (9:49)
6.2 Switch Statement (6:13)
6.3 For Loop (6:00)
7.1 Pointers (12:38)
7.2 More About Pointers (14:23)
7.3 Pointers To Pointers (6:48)
7.4 Pointers And Arrays (7:43)
8.1 Structures (10:01)
8.2 Miscellaneous (9:13)
8.3 Print f (13:28)
8.4 Preprocessor Directives (6:09)
8.5 Conclusion (0:51)
8.5 Conclusion
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